Battery specifications of Oppo Find X8 series have been leaked before launch. Well-known tipster from China Digital Chat Station This has been revealed about the series by . Tipster has shared this information on social media platform Weibo But through a post, Oppo has revealed that Oppo has prepared 100W silicon batteries for its smartphones. And the company will use these batteries in upcoming smartphones. According to the leak, the Find X8, Find X8 Pro, and Find X8 Ultra can have 5,600mAh, 5,700mAh, and 6,100 or 6,200mAh batteries respectively.
Dimensity 9400 chipset can be seen in Find X8 and X8 Pro. At the same time, Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chipset can be seen in the high-end model of the series, Find X8 Ultra.
The tipster has also mentioned the battery specifications of the Oppo Reno 13 series here. According to which, the Reno 13 can have a 5,600mAh battery, while the Pro variant can have a 5,900mAh battery. No information has been given here by the tipster about the chipsets of Reno 13 and 13 Pro.
For some time now, smartphone companies have started using silicon batteries in smartphone devices. Their battery capacity is higher, and the battery life is also longer. Apart from this, they also have faster charging capability. And all these upgrades are available in the battery without increasing the thickness of the smartphone. That is why silicon batteries are now being used in smartphones.