iQoo CEO, Nipun Marya has confirmed the launch of the iQoo Z9s series on August 21 in a post on social media platform X. In the picture given with this post, smart fone is shown in golden color. It has been given the tagline of ‘The fastest curved screen phone in the segment’. This indicates its refresh rate. Earlier this month, Nipun gave a teaser of the design of a smartphone of this series. In this post, this smartphone was seen in white color. iQoo Z9s is speculated to be a rebranded version of the iQoo Z9 being sold in China.
In the teaser image, this smartphone has a rectangular camera module in the top left corner. It has a volume rocker and power button on the right corner. Recently Gadgets 360 reviewed the iQoo Z9 and found it to be a reliable device in the mid-range. The iQoo Z9 Pro is listed on the BIS website with model number I2305. However, this listing does not reveal the specifications of this smartphone. Another listing on the Camera FV-5 database states that this smartphone has optical image stabilization (OIS) support for the primary camera. The iQoo Z9 Pro may have MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ as a processor. It may have a flat OLED display with 1.5K resolution.
The company launched the Pad 2 Pro in May in three RAM and storage options. It has MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ as a processor. This sub-brand of Vivo has introduced a new variant of Pad 2 Pro with 16 GB RAM and 1 TB storage in China. The price of the new variant of this tablet is CNY 4,599 (about Rs 52,000). It is available for sale in China.
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