Google Pixel 9 series was launched yesterday during the Made by Google event, but none of the phones will ship with Android 15 out of the box. This is unusual for Google, as the latest Google phones typically launch with the newest Android version announced at that year’s Google I/O. This year, Google announced Android 15, but if you decide to buy the Pixel 9 phones, you will find them running Android 14. Why? Read on.
Also Read: Google Gemini live demo failed twice during the Pixel 9 event—reminding us why you can’t always trust AI
Google Launched the Pixel 9 Series Ahead of Schedule
Typically, Google releases its Pixel devices in October, after Apple has launched its latest iPhone series. However, this year Google decided to bring forward the launch, introducing the new Pixel 9 devices two months earlier than usual. This may have conflicted with the Android 15 stable release schedule, forcing Google to release the new Pixel 9 series with Android 14.
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Reports suggesting this outcome were prevalent ahead of the Made by Google event this year, and they proved to be accurate.
Also Read: Google Pixel 9 Pro XL vs Pixel 8 Pro: Specs, features, prices, and more compared
Pixel 9 Buyers Will Get 7 Years of Android Updates, But Will Android 15 Count?
Consider this: the Android 15 update, whenever it is released, will be one major update that the Pixel 9 devices receive. If, say, the last update the Pixel 9 receives after seven years does not feature the latest OS—imagine Android 22 launching in October, but the Pixel 9 series is outdated by two months as its support ends in August—what then? While this scenario is unlikely, it remains to be seen how Google will address these concerns.
That being said, the Android 15 update should be released sometime between September and October, depending on the development cycle. And if you want to try Android 15 now, the only way to do is by installing the Android 15 beta for compatible devices like the Pixel 8 series and more.
Also Read: Google takes a ‘dig’ at Apple Intelligence at the Pixel 9 series launch event, touts Gemini AI features