Looking at the photos that have surfaced in this case, it can be said that not only iPhones, this gang must have had many other fake Apple products. Apple Insider According to, the police have said that more than 20 thousand fake phones have been seized but the exact figures have not been given. Apart from iPhone, AirPods, smartwatches, chargers etc. are also said to be there. Apart from Ireland, similar fake devices have also been found in the raid in the east central part of England. In 2021, a repair firm in this area was also fined Rs 1.2 crore which used to sell fake Apple chargers.
So far no one has been directly accused in the fake iPhone case, but a 24-year-old man has been arrested. Talking about other latest updates related to Apple, complaints of alleged phishing attacks are being received on iPhone. Kerbs on Security, a platform that provides information about scams and phishing, has said in a blog post that MFA Bombing is being seen on iPhone.
The reason for the phishing attack is said to be the presence of a bug in Apple’s password reset feature, using which scammers are sending prompts to users to reset their password. If the user accidentally presses the ‘Allow’ button on it, or if the user somehow refuses to accept these password requests, then the scammers are also calling from Apple’s official support number.
In the call, the scammer introduces himself as an Apple support representative and says that the user’s account can be attacked, for which he will have to verify himself by sharing a one-time code. If the user shares the one-time code in this way as per the scammer’s instructions, then the scammer can log out your account from all your Apple devices and clear all the data sitting far away.